
Blog Post #3

Over the past couple of weeks, most of my major projects for this school term have been submitted. Even though finals week is approaching, most of my difficult assignments have already been completed. As this is my last assignment for CS 461 (first quarter of senior project), I am starting to feel a sense of relief. I thoroughly enjoyed most of the classes I took at OSU, and this quarter was no exception. Having most of my classes related to CS at this stage of my degree is a lot of fun, as I enjoy learning more about the various sub-genres of information. The main challenge I had for this school term was the amount of work I had been taking on. This is my first term, where I have taken five classes, and adjusting to the increased workload took some time. However, I feel like I have succeeded in doing well in every class I took, so I feel confident taking five classes for future terms.

The most unique and also the most challenging class I had this term was operating systems I. It felt like most of the term was about building up your knowledge for one big project that was the entirety of the class. This system is a bit different from other classes I have taken, and I felt like you had to have more self-motivation to succeed in the class. This is because you could procrastinate most of the modules, as the major points were all due at the end of the term. The project itself was very interesting, and I think it was one of the most challenging assignments I have had in my academic career. Something I am proud of is the fact that I got 100/100 on the project. It took around 30 hours to complete the project from start to finish; most of those were just debugging code, though.

Overall, this school term was a lot of fun, and I’m looking forward to developing my senior project more next term.

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