
Blog Post# 2

The project I have been assigned to is to create an NES emulator that can run ROMs on modern hardware. So far, in this senior software engineering project, the rest of the team and I have mostly been writing documents designed to outline and support the creation of our project. I believe the research aspect of creating these documents will be very useful, as most aspects of the project will already be well-known when we start development. I think that, overall, the progress made at this stage of the project has been really successful, and I have been enjoying learning more about the NES hardware.

I have also really enjoyed working with the other team members so far on the project. Everyone gets along and is respectful, and everyone has contributed to the project for each assignment. I am unsure what the next two school terms will look like in regard to the project, but I feel confident in the group I am in. I think that we will be able to accomplish the mandatory goals set out for us, as well as achieve the optional goals within the project. 

Something I am looking forward to is the developmental phase of the project. As much as I enjoy writing over a thousand words a week, my passion lies in coding. I think translating all of these design documents into a tangible, working emulator will be a lot of fun. There is something special in recreating a piece of hardware, such as the NES, even if it is only in software. I have a lot of fond memories of the NES when I was younger, even though it was before my time. I think that it has a unique feel to the games that it was well known for.

Overall, I’m very excited to see how the project will turn out after the year is over.

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