When searching for jobs, we all have different priorities. A job I worked in the past was at a coffee shop, which fit my main priority: flexible scheduling. Other reasons I accepted the job were because the hourly wage was above minimum wage, received tips at the end of shifts, new merchandise monthly, and the environment. This job utilized both intrinsic and extrinsic compensation, but for this post, I will solely focus on intrinsic. When at this job I was always motivated to perform at a high level because hard work did not go unnoticed. The management did a superb job using intrinsic compensation. Whether it was during a shift, after a shift, a text message, or during a meeting they always complimented you on your performance. The feedback they always gave was genuine and meaningful. This was effective for them because when they needed extra help, they knew people would feel inclined as they felt important and proud. For me, when receiving this praise, it always boosted my morale and excitement to go to work. When everyone is uplifting and working their tail off, it creates for a positive working environment that everyone wants to be a part of. And once you have received that recognition it motivates from within, and you want to keep pushing yourself to show your value further. Those small gestures go a long way and keep people around longer than they expect.