The Project Management ‘Instinct’:

Project management is a difficult topic to learn in college. Sometimes it can take years for a developer to grow an acute instinct for project timelines. A project could take a year, a month, or a week. I think it’s difficult to get a good understanding of this at college because every project that we …

Shortcomings in a Software World

Starting the computer science program at OSU and getting a full-time job as a developer, I didn’t know how big a role effective communication plays in software engineering. Throughout my undergraduate degree in physics I avoided communication courses and getting into a career where I would have to communicate a lot because I am terrible at …

Making a Python Data Structure

Dictionaries in Python Making a dictionary in python is easy. It’s a common data structure that you probably learned in an introductory course or a short stackoverflow code snippet. The dictionary data structure looks like this:  The following dictionary contains information about an artist (which is an immutable string type) and a songname (which is also an …

Abstraction in Action

One of the most difficult things I am facing this term is getting comfortable with the software engineering vernacular. I am taking two computer science courses and working full-time. Between school and work I hear “class instance”, “procedural programming”, and “type referencing”. These are some random examples of all the different phrases you will hear …

Processing Audio Data for a Neural Network

For my capstone project I am collaborating with two other students in writing a neural network that will be able to classify music genres using audio files. For this post, I want to talk about the process of getting the data ready to train the model we will be using. Processing audio data involves a …

Front-end vs. Back-end development

I am a “Front end” developer – I have been working as one for about a month this coming week and I have been loving it and realizing how different coding for fun and coding for work is. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not all bad. There are good things like getting paid to do …