
My programming roots

Writing my first program in PBASIC was thrilling. I had entered Junior year of high school and upon joining the robotics class taught at my local community college my love for coding began. Working on my first project was exciting because I wrote code that enabled a small robot to move around and follow an electric tape roadway I laid out. I also started with web development as a senior in high school, specifically with Adobe Dreamweaver. I wasn’t fancy about any of my websites, they all had awful contrasting colors, but playing around with the syntax and the elements fun.  

At my current job I am officially a front-end developer. I work building single-page applications with frameworks such as React, Vue.JS, and NodeJS. Having experience with front-end development has carved a path for me to get into mobile development. I am taking Mobile Development asynchronously with this course and a full-time job – fingers crossed.

As a web developer and mobile developer, I am interested in cybersecurity. I am learning more about all the new technologies that are out there and becoming better at designing secure systems.

In the long-term, I am heading into quantum computing. I started off as a physics major and somehow ended up with two degrees: physics and computer science. I plan on leveraging the skills gained thanks to those two degrees to work on the development of quantum computing algorithms and programming languages.

My favorite technologies at the moment are NodeJS, Python3, C++, JavaScript, Qiskit, and HTML5. My favorite languages that I am exploring at the moment are Rust and Dart. Some of the favorite listed projects are the Mobile Research security app because it involves programming but also doing research. I have a curious interest in doing both for academic and collaborative reasons. I also like the WasmFiddle project because it involves web assembly which is something that I am learning more about.

For this course, I hope to make new friends, work on a fun project, and become a better blog post writer!

Happy Coding/Writing!

Published by Mateo Estrada Jorge

Hi, I am a CS and physics double major. I like to rock climb, kayaking, and playing video games. I am always up for a game of chess!

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