Our Project The Song Guessing Game

For this blog post I decided to write about the project we will be completing for this capstone class titled The Song Guessing Game. I will discuss/outline the approach we as a group decided to take and how I feel about our chances of being able to fully complete the project.


The overall approach we are taking with this project is taking it step by step and really setting up a solid codebase/foundation before integrating the app with any and all third party API’s. We will be using React on the front end and Python with FastAPI on the backend. The overall idea will be the following:

  1. Using a third party API, we will generate a random song and get the lyrics of this random song.
  2. Once we have the lyrics, the lyrics will be parsed and and a random word will be selected from the lyrics.
  3. This word will be presented to the user in a round of the overall game.
  4. A timer will be started and the user must enter a song title and artist within the time limit.
  5. Using a third party API, we will attempt to match the user’s entered information first with the original song that the word was generated from, if the information matches the user wins.
  6. If the information does not match then using a third party API, we will attempt to determine if the user’s entered song information corresponds to an actual song/artist.
  7. If it does, then we will use the API to search the song lyrics for the word.
  8. If the word is found, the user wins that round, if not, the user loses.
  9. If the time expired before the user entered the round they lose.

One key insight we had with this approach was the part about searching the user’s song choice directly instead of finding and associating the chosen word with all the songs where this word appears. We felt that would be a far more difficult and sub optimal approach to meeting the requirements of this application. Such an approach would have taken far more memory and been slower due to the sheer volume of songs that can be associated with one word.

How I feel about being able to complete this app

Overall, I think with the approach highlighted above and good communication and time management which this team has, we can 100% complete this app on time. Thank you for reading my blog post #2!

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