Whether it’s to boost your resume, make friends, or learn more about a topic you find interesting, Oregon State has many student clubs for a variety of interests. One club that deserves some attention is the OSU Hydrogen Club. The club aims to raise awareness about hydrogen, consider the production, transfer, storage and consummation of hydrogen, and to develop hydrogen-based projects.

The hydrogen club already has some exciting projects lined up for this term including work with an electrolyzer to generate hydrogen and using the OSU Hydrogen Trailer for some community education projects!

If you’re hydrogen curious, check them out at:







–Chelsi Rayford

One thought on “OSU’s Hydrogen Club

  1. Hi there,
    My name is Jiayang, a MBA student at OSU. Our IBP (Integrated Business Planning) topic is hydrogen generator. The company we cooperated is called Element 1, which is located in Bend, Oregon. At this particular point in time, we are doing commercialization options. So if you guys would like to talk with our team, please email me. Thanks.



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