Category: Uncategorized
The Power of Waiting To Fail
From an early age I grew up in an environment where hoping for something more was merely waiting to have those same hope come crashing down to the reality of a situation. Whether it was hoping for some nebulous theological figure to swoop down like Q from Star Trek Voyager and change my homelife, or…
In Between Two Worlds
As a post baccalaureate student, we hold an interesting dichotomy in the professional and academic world. Many times, you will hear someone say we are transitioning from one career to another. But that is not exactly accurate, how can one leave something behind that was once a part of them and move on to something…
What does it feel like when you’re alone in a crowd?
How the journey began. I started at a community college, drawn into a computer science class based in C++ by an enthusiastic chemistry professor who also knew some basic to intermediate C++. The class was intense and interesting and after meandering through a series of courses in a half hearted attempt to prep for medical…