Core Location … ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The good news..progress has been made since last week! There are no more (blocking) ZeitSatTrack framework errors. (There are still plenty of other errors, but none that prevent the build from.. building). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Now that is working, I can print to STDOUT a list of all amateur radio satellite TLE’s sourced from this page or a list of all available active satellites in general from Celestrack.

This week / last weekend, I also managed to find a way to leverage CoreLocation to print to terminal the user’s latitude and longitude (and in the process, learned a LOT about having to modify (invisible) Xcode plists to receive users’ permission to source their location either 1) when using the app e.g. always 2) when in use or … 3) never. I am now at the point where I have the below data points:

  1. the user / device’s latitude + longitude
  2. the user / device’s pitch + roll + yaw data
  3. the amateur radio satellite’s latitude + longitude + altitude 

And…that is all. I have yet to figure out what to do with this data in terms of communicating what satellites are nearby, and I am not sure at all that I can visualize this information in any pragmatic way before the end of term.. but still, chugging away! More to come:)

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