This past week we focused a lot on empathy. Although this was a word that we hear quiet often, I am not sure how much time I have taken and actually practice true “empathy”. I implimented this idea while I continued to interview different studetns for our empahty project. I tried really hard to ask compelling questions regarding why they said what they said. I focused on listening to thier tone, gestures and surroundings to gain more insight on who they really are.
This weeks cards are based off my experiences and the main points from this weeks readings:
- (Required) Design Thinking Bootleg (pages 23-24, Story-Share-Capture)
- (Required) Design is Storytelling: pages 48-89
- (Required) The Shape of Design: Chapter 04(Required) The Shape of Design: Chapter 04
- (Review/Explore) Universal Methods of Design: 020/contextual inquiry, 057/observation, 059/participant observation, 067/questionnaires, 074/secondary research, 003/affinity diagramming, 027/design ethnography, 024/cultural probes, 016/concept mapping
- Aristotle’s 7 Elements of Good StorytellingAristotle’s 7 Elements of Good Storytelling
- Watch
- we design for we design for disability Links to an external site.
- Do