
Annotated Bibliography Source #4

  1. The name of the piece and the author.

Identifying Indicators of Smartphone Addiction Through User App Interaction – By Noe Beryl

  1. A summary of who the author is (what is their area of expertise, how do you know you can trust them?)

Noe graduated from Cardiff University with a degree in Computer Science and Information. She also went to Maastricht University and studied Mental Health and Neuroscience. She studied Mental Health and Neuroscience. She studied at the Department of Methodology and Statistics, Care and Public Health Research Institute, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Science at Maastricht University.

  1. A summary of the most important content in the piece, minimum 200 words.

This article discusses the problematic physical smartphone behaviour and how design tactics can lead to Smartphone Addiction. This type of addiction is caused by taps, scrolling and typing within the app. This is significant given the widespread usage of Snapchat by teenagers. The article hypotheses that the App designs provides a particularly strong pathway in support of Smartphone Addiction. Typical daily usage levels are high and there is evidence of dependency and attachment to smartphone technology, combined with the potential disruptiveness of incoming notifications and “checking habit” formation.

It is now known that such uncontrolled and problematic behavior can become harmful. Problematic smartphone use has been linked to teenage depression and anxiety, and more widely, various relationships have been found concerning stress, depression, sleeping problems, anxiety, subjective well-being, and loneliness. SA score is positively associated with the number of UI interactions on apps of the Social app category, with particular reference to Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. Behavioral addictions share many similarities to substance abuse disorders, but differ inherently in the way they are caused not by a substance, but by a specific behavior that is experienced as rewarding despite any associated negative consequences. I will be using this source to understand how engineers create addictive programs and how individuals become addicted. 

  1. An MLA style citation.

Noë, Beryl. “Identifying Indicators Of Smartphone Addiction Through User-App Interaction”. Computers In Human Behavior, vol 99, 2019, pp. 56-65. Elsevier BV, doi:10.1016/j.chb.2019.04.023. Accessed 12 Feb 2021.

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