
Annotated Bibliography Source #2

  1. The name of the piece and the author

Association of Facebook Use With Compromised Well-Being: A Longitudinal Study by Holly B. Shakya 

  1. A summary of who the author is (what is their area of expertise, how do you know you can trust them?)

Holly Shakya is an Associate Professor of Global Public Health at the University of California San Diego. Her primary research endeavors include the social determinants of health, with a focus on the intersections of social networks. She also studied the social norms theory in the context of behavioral change interventions in Honduras, India, Nepal, Niger, and Cameroon. She has served as an expert advisor for both donor foundations and multilateral organizations, and her publications have been featured in international news outlets across more than 30 nations. Her studies have been funded by many prestigious foundations including the National Institutes of Health, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and UNICEF, with a focus on gender and marital norms, family planning, and gender-based violence. 

  1. A summary of the most important content in the piece, minimum 200 words

This article addresses the impact of online social interactions and how it affects individuals physical and mental health. The article does a deep dive into Facebook and investigates why they have had a negative affect on society. There is a considerable amount of research that has demonstrated the importance of social interactions for human well-being. The results have shown that human beings thrive when they have strong positive relationships with other human beings. The benefits of strong social ties are abundant and include lower risks of mental illnesses, higher likelihood of positive health behaviors, lower likelihood of negative health behaviors, such as excessive alcohol use; and overall lower risk of morbidity.

The article also states that the use of social media may detract from face-to face relationships, reduce motivation for meaningful activities and increase sedentary behavior and can lead to Internet Addiction. Social media can also erode self-esteem due to the creation of unfavorable social comparison. The study also displays counter arguments from previous research which address the point that a higher amount of social media followers could have a positive affect on your mental health. The study concluded that Facebook does not promote well-being and that individual social media users might do well with diminishing their social media usage and to instead focus on real-work relationships. 

4. An MLA style citation

Shakya, Holly B., and Nicholas A. Christakis. “Association Of Facebook Use With Compromised Well-Being: A Longitudinal Study”. American Journal Of Epidemiology, 2017. Oxford University Press (OUP), doi:10.1093/aje/kww189. Accessed 12 Feb 2021.

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