multi-screen setup
Multi-screen setup - Macbook, iMac, iPad and iPhone

In a prior post, we addressed the similarities and differences between a laptop computer and an iPad, and whether could replace one with the other. While there are people who have gone to one device, most of us use multiple devices and jump back and forth between them.

Recent research from Google has discovered that “90% of people move between devices to accomplish a goal.” So not only are we using different computing devices, but using them in conjunction. That means it’s not really a question of either or, but rather what do I want to do and which tools do I use to do it.

You can read more about Google’s research on there Google Mobile Ads Blog – Navigating the new multi-screen world: Insights show how consumers use different devices together.


Dog using iPad

Here are preliminary goals for EMDUG:

  • Encourage the effective use of mobile technology for Extension teaching, learning and communication.
  • Demonstrate tools and methods for the production and delivery of educational materials using mobile devices.
  • Provide an opportunity for attendees to share their experiences, tools and uses of mobile devices in personal productivity, communication, teaching and learning.
  • Encourage and incorporate the use of emerging mobile presentation and delivery tools.
  • Work in a collaborative, sharing mode, rather than as a “sage on the stage.”
  • Connect our discoveries to our jobs, products and passions.
  • ..And have fun doing it.

Please feel free to add your thoughts to this list.

