Category Archives: Event
EMDUG November 2012 User Group Meeting Recording
For those who missed it, here is the November 2012 EMDUG online meeting recording. In this latest recording we talk about: how to research, evaluate and purchase apps; Denise Ruttan from Oregon State University Extension and Experiment Station Communications shares her Android experiences; Jeff Hino discusses his new Apple iPad Mini; and we review some apps (see list below).
This latest meeting was also an interesting experiment in mobile technology use. We used an app called Reflector (previously Reflection) which works with Apple’s Airplay technology to mirror an iPhone screen (including the video feed from the onboard iPhone camera) to a Macbook laptop’s screen, which in turn shared it’s screen through Adobe Connect. If you watch the recording you can see what we’re talking about. The frame rate is kind of slow and choppy because of the technological hoops we were jumping through, but you can still see what we were doing.
Planet of the Apps
Here are the apps we reviewed:
- PDF Notes for iPad – PDF annotation app (iPad)
- Retro Camera – artistic photo app (Android)
- Career Explorer 4-H – career exploration game for youth (iPad)
Next EMDUG Meeting – Nov. 29 @2pm PST
Mark your calendars and plan to join us for another fun and informative Extension Mobile Device User Group (EMDUG) online meeting this Thursday, November 29 from 2:00-2:45 p.m.
This month we will have a special guest, a real live Android smart phone user! (don’t want you Android fans feeling left out!) We will also talk about how to find, evaluate and obtain apps; review the new iPad Mini from Apple; discuss the Responsive Design makeover of this blog and, of course, more mobile app reviews and recommendations from Jeff and I.
As always, this session is geared towards EMDUG members, but open to anyone interested in mobile device use.
The online meeting will be done via Adobe Connect (instructions below).
Access information for the online “EMDUG Meeting”
Date: Thursday, November 29
Time: 2:00-2:45 p.m. PDT
Just enter as a GUEST by typing your name in the text box that appears.
For this session you will be listening to audio via your computer speakers. If you are in a public area, consider using a set of headphones. A chat window will be available so you can ask us questions.
NOTE: This webinar will be recorded and available online for those who are unable to attend the session.
Victor Villegas
eXtension “BYOD – Smartphones in the workplace” recording
For those who missed the eXtension’s Critical Conversation last week, here’s the recording.
Extension Online Event – BYOD Discussion – October 18, 2012 at 11:00 AM PDT
The second in a series* of eXtension critical conversations.
BYOD or “bring your own device” describes the phenomenon of people using their personal technology devices in the workplace. The issues around personal smartphones and tablets in the workplace vary depending on your perspective. For users, there is a freedom and convenience to use a single device that they choose and carry to perform their work functions. For the institutional information technology staff, issues arise concerning security, support, and privacy.
Critical Conversation: BYOD – Smart phones and tablets in the workplace (60 min. session)
*See the first in the series: Critical Conversation: The Mobile Quandary
EMDUG User Group Meeting #0 Recording

Thank you to all those who joined us online for our first EMDUG user group meeting via Adobe Connect on Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2012. Here is the recording of the session for everyone who wasn’t able to make it. Please give us your comments and feedback regarding the meeting…what you liked, what we can improve, etc. We plan to have our next meeting sometime in November.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to a glitch that happened during the recording, there is a point in the presentation where the sound drops out and then comes back but is out of synch with the video. Pausing the recording and clicking slightly behind (to the left of the play head) sometimes helps in re-synching the audio with the video. We are sorry for the inconvenience and will work to obtain a better recording next time.