Mobile PodcasterOne of our EMDUG users recently asked whether it was possible to produce a podcast on an iPad or iPhone. Well yes, it is possible, as a matter of fact. You can use any audio recording app (there are hundreds) to record an audio podcast. There are, however, some apps which allow you to produce more professional podcasts by giving you editing, mixing and file upload options.

VR+: Voice Recorder – simple and basic. Allows you to record and append audio in a linear fashion.

Garageband – record audio and edit it, add music beds and post/upload to iTunes, Soundcloud, Facebook, YouTube, etc.

Caster: Mobile Studio – an app actually geared towards making podcasts. Allows importing audio files, recording/editing/mixing, and export via FTP, email and Twitter with more options to come including video podcasting.

Mobile Podcaster – another podcasting specific app which allows you to post directly to WordPress sites.

BossJock Studio – great little podcasting app, allows file imports and has automatic ducking (background music becomes softer when you push a button to talk).

NOTE: You can obtin a better audio recording on an iPhone by using an iRig Mic or iRig Mic Cast by IK Multimedia. On an iPad, you can connect a USB mic such as the Samson Meteor using the Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit.

Now this is what I call mobile video – a remotely controlled roaming robot consisting of an iPad on a stick attached to what looks like a mini Segway. The technologist in me loves the ingenuity behind this mobile video robot, but something about it just feels a little weird. What do you think?

The robotics technology boom is just getting started and we’ll be see lots more of this soon. I could definitely think of tons of different ways to use this, especially remote support. Think about it, being virtually there…but not. Strange and interesting indeed.

Time Magazine - The Wireless IssueTime Magazine – The Wireless Issue, details 10 Ways Mobile Technology Is Changing Our World:

1. Elections Will Never Be The Same

2. Doing Good By Texting

3. Bye-Bye, Wallets

4. The Phone Knows All

5. Your Life Is Fully Mobile

6. The Grid Is Winning

7. A Camera Goes Anywhere

8. Toys Get Unplugged

9. Gadgets Go To Class

10. Disease Can’t Hide

Read about the TIME Mobility Poll.