The Extension Mobile Device User Group (EMDUG) is a fairly informal user group aimed at Oregon State University Extension faculty and staff who use or are thinking of using mobile computing devices in their work or life in general. Although our  focus is mainly for Extension folk, the information and resources on this blog are open to anyone interested in mobile computing.

Most of our users use iPads and/or iPhones, so our coverage of mobile technology tends to lean towards Apple iOS devices. However, we also have Android device users and even regular cell phone users, so we try to cover those too. Mobile devices are just tools, and which ever tool you choose, we want to help you use it to the fullest.

So feel free to follow us and share your resources and experiences with us as we do the same.

Here are our goals for EMDUG:

  • Encourage the effective use of mobile technology for Extension teaching, learning and communication.
  • Demonstrate tools and methods for the production and delivery of educational materials using mobile devices.
  • Provide an opportunity for attendees to share their experiences, tools and uses of mobile devices in personal productivity, communication, teaching and learning.
  • Encourage and incorporate the use of emerging mobile presentation and delivery tools.
  • Work in a collaborative, sharing mode, rather than as a “sage on the stage.”
  • Connect our discoveries to our jobs, products and passions.
  • ..And have fun doing it.

Please feel free to add your thoughts to this list.

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