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Category: Cultural Site

Week 5 Progress with Cultural Research Project  February 8th, 2016

This week has been pretty challenging for me. I started to work on my research project and found myself a bit stumped with how I was going to find information on Betty Holberton’s early life. When researching I am having trouble finding anything that she wrote herself about her childhood, inspirations, and early motivations.

I think I am going to turn back to the librarian help website to find better information on earlier Betty.

Other than that, I am finding good information about the rest of the project.

Thank you for clarifying the project and this weeks agenda, I was getting a little overwhelmed, and that eased my tension!

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Discussing Betty Holberton With A Librabrian  January 31st, 2016

For this weeks assignment I went to Answerland.org to speak to a librarian. The librarian I talked with was Beverly from Multnomah Country Library in Portland Oregon. Since I was a little timid about the process I decided to ask a pretty broad question. My question for Beverly was, “What are good keywords to use when trying to only get scholarly information on Betty Holberton?”

From there we talked about different ways to look up great information on Betty. This lead us to talk about EBSCO Host. The keywords suggested were Betty Holberton AND computer programming. These keywords gave two scholarly books. One being, “Female pioneer fostered practically in computer industry”, and the second book was, “History of software begins with the work of some brainy women”. These two sources seem to be very informational.

After those sources were found I asked Beverly for another source that would be beneficial she replied with Guides.library.oregonstate.edu.  From there we decided that the best tab out of the seven categories was computer science.

A very interesting fact Beverly gave me was that Betty Holberton’s full name is Frances Elizabeth “Betty” Holberton. After giving me the fact she gave me an educational website that was a biography of Betty’s life. the website was, ethw.org/betty_holberton.

After we finished talking about the resources I could use, she let me know of an amazing website called worldcat. I am very eager to get on this website to see what is out there on Betty.

Overall my experience with talking to a librarian was very enlightening. I even told my sister about answerland.org!


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Cultural Research  January 18th, 2016

This area will be designated for all work relating tot eh Cultural Research Project – due February 15, 2016.

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