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Archives: February, 2016

Week 8 Recap February 29th, 2016


This week I am closing in on the birth control patch. I just personally experienced some pretty crazy side effects to it so I believe that it peaked my interest.

I have started researching it and there are actually a good amount of sources on this information. My project is coming along pretty well, but I do need to put more time into it this week!

Shaping up well and am excited to write about this topic!

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Week 7 Recap February 22nd, 2016

For the Gender Lens project I have chosen to do birth control. It seems to be an interesting topic and I am excited to dive right into it.

When speaking to the librarian, they gave me a lot of options to go forward with the research on the timelines of birth control. I am going to spend this week really working on the paper!

Great start and really excited for this paper.


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Week 6 – After turning in my project February 15th, 2016

Wow. This project was extremely difficult for me. I usually have no problem writing papers, but for some reason this has been one of the most challenging papers I have ever written. Unfortunately I do not feel I did the best I could do but at this point am finding myself at a road block.

I am a bit frustrated because when I make my pages for the project I put them in correct order, and when I check them on the edit page they are in correct order. But, when I look at my published blog they seem to be in alphabetical order. Very very frustrating.

Well I am a bit disappointed in myself, but this is a growing experience. All I can do now is try harder next time.

Have a lovely week!

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Week 5 Progress with Cultural Research Project February 8th, 2016

This week has been pretty challenging for me. I started to work on my research project and found myself a bit stumped with how I was going to find information on Betty Holberton’s early life. When researching I am having trouble finding anything that she wrote herself about her childhood, inspirations, and early motivations.

I think I am going to turn back to the librarian help website to find better information on earlier Betty.

Other than that, I am finding good information about the rest of the project.

Thank you for clarifying the project and this weeks agenda, I was getting a little overwhelmed, and that eased my tension!

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