Oregon State University|blogs.oregonstate.edu

Week 2 Recap  January 18th, 2016

Hello Again!

Elizabeth here once more. This weeks assignment to make categories, pages, and organize our home screens to fit our personalities.

First when I opened this weeks assignment I was a bit overwhelmed. Like I said last week, myself and technology don’t always agree. So when I saw so many instructions for how to set up our page I was a bit intimidated. Thank heavens I took the time to sit down and look over it all before trying to do it, or I would be lost.

Once I started playing around with everything I realized it wasn’t going to be as bad as I thought it was going to be. After getting in the hand of it all, it was a breeze.

I really enjoyed this weeks assignment! Making my blog aesthetically pleasing was extremely fun.

Not much to say this week unfortunately.

Signing off week 2!


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