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OSU InstructorsThe eLearn@OSU project is the culmination of more than two years of inquiry and collaboration among faculty, students and administrators to understand the needs of our teaching and learning community, both now and going forward.

In 2012, two different committees laid the groundwork for identifying OSU’s options and needs for instructional innovation and technology:

Teaching and Learning Expectations Taskforce – Under the leadership of Dave King, Associate Provost of Outreach and Engagement for Extended Campus, the Teaching and Learning Expectations Taskforce developed a list of nine expectations our campus has for teaching and learning. These expectations are shaping our approach for selecting a learning management system. See the taskforce report to learn more about who participated, and full descriptions of each expectation.

Benchmarking Taskforce – The OSU Benchmark Taskforce looked at different trends at peer institutions around the country regarding learning spaces, technology, LMS migrations and future technology drivers in light of the changing methodology applied to learning. See the full report, including OSU faculty survey results, here

Next Generation Learning Technology Taskforce (NGLT) – in Spring 2013, based on the results of the Benchmarking and Teaching and Learning Expectations work, a new committee was formed with a charter to research and help to develop technology recommendations for innovative tools for Oregon State University that enable faculty to accomplish what they need to in order to reach their teaching and learning goals. This committee interviewed five of the providers of learning management systems used at major higher education institutions. Their insights have established the basis for how we’ll evaluate the candidate systems to identify the one best meet OSU’s needs.  See the NGLT web page here.