IPIP Results

I had the highest scores altogether in extraversion. Next was agreeableness, then Conscientiousness, then neuroticism, and last was openness to experience. The test said I had a high extraversion score which means that I prefer to be around people and am social, outgoing, and friendly. The test also said I have a high level of agreeableness and this means I care about others and their feelings and emotions. It says this means I am sympathetic and cooperative. The test says I scored high in Conscientiousness and that I have clear goals and can pursue them. it says that this means I am reliable and hard-working. The test says I also scored high on neuroticism. This means I am easily upset, sensitive, anxious, and emotional. The test says I scored low in openness to experience. This means that I am practical and down-to-Earth.

If a potential employer were to look at my test results there are quite a few assumptions that they could make about me. They might assume that one of my strengths is leadership because extraversion, Conscientiousness, and agreeableness all have a high correlation with leader emergence and leader effectiveness (http://www.timothy-judge.com/Judge,%20Bono,%20Ilies,%20&%20Gerhardt.pdf). They also might assume that one of my strengths is that I am going to be a hard worker and reliable since I scored high in conscientiousness. This could mean that they give me a lot of work quickly and are prepared for me to move up in my work. They might also think that one of my weaknesses is having a hard time making decisions or dealing with conflict since I scored high in neuroticism. They might also assume a weakness of mine is that I have a hard time staying focused because I am so social and outgoing. They could also see my high extraversion as a strength though because I will be able to build good relationships with my co-workers and work well in teams. Potential employers might see my weak score in openness to experience to be a weakness because they might fear that I won’t be able to take on new tasks or roles. Another assumption about my strengths that potential employers could make about me based on my test results is that I would be good at working in tough situations with outside clients because I have a high level of agreeableness and worry about other peoples feelings coupled with my high levels of extraversion.






3 responses to “IPIP Results”

  1. Kyle Ferrero Avatar
    Kyle Ferrero

    Hi Elisabeth,

    Your test results are very interesting! I agree that hiring managers could assume a lot about you based off of these scores, and I feel like I have a decent picture of how you are as a person based on your post. My question is, do you believe these to be accurate? For myself, I think that this test did a good job of reflecting the kind of person that I am in most areas, with a few exceptions. I personally would not mind if an employer used a test like this to get an idea of the kind of worker I am, but I would not want them to solely rely on this. Great job with your blog post!


  2. Tanner Brannan Avatar
    Tanner Brannan

    Greetings Elisabeth,

    I think the assumptions you make about employers thoughts on your scores are largely accurate. One thing that an employer might take away from having high conscientiousness and high extraversion is that it could stop you from “breaking down” due to the high neuroticism you have. Anytime someone has high neuroticism the natural fear is that they will freak out occasionally, but being good around people and having desire to work had can keep that in check by focusing your energy elsewhere. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Katie Boruff Avatar
    Katie Boruff

    Hello Elisabeth,

    I loved the way that you were able to describe how high extraversion can be both negative and positive to an employer. On the one hand, you can get along with coworkers and work in team environments. However, perhaps you could get distracted or distract others. I think that the value of this above-average trait for you will really depend on what type of environment you plan on working in. If you want to be in a situation with lots of necessary interaction I believe your employer will love your extraversion.

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