Job Descriptions

Thinking back to the last job that I had, and reading the job description, I would say that the job description did not really influence me to apply or not. I heard about it from a friend and that’s what made me apply. I’d say that the job description did match the duties I performed, but I performed more than was listed in the job description. I worked at a tanning salon and the description included selling lotions and products, helping customers, selling memberships, and cleaning the salon. However, I wasn’t aware that I would have to learn everything about all of the lotions we carried and take a tanning certification test until my interview. It was different because the cleaning was a little bit more extensive than the description made it sound. I also had to accept orders during my shift, which wasn’t in the job description. The thing that stuck out to me the most that wasn’t in the description, that I wish would’ve been, was that you worked in the salon completely alone every shift. As a college-aged girl, this would have been something I considered greatly before applying and even though I eventually felt comfortable with it, I felt like I had taken up too many resources and was too far into the process to reconsider by the time I found out. Something else that was not in the description which I think would have also been good to include is that when you worked at this salon there are several locations in town and you had to work at both of them. They are very similar, but I think that people knowing their work environment can change daily is something that would be good for people to know when they consider applying.






2 responses to “Job Descriptions”

  1. Chenghao Huang Avatar
    Chenghao Huang

    It is possible to get a general idea of the job description from someone else’s paraphrase. Sometimes, we find something interesting in someone else’s presentation, and then we go on to learn more about the job.

  2. Tanner Blaydon Avatar
    Tanner Blaydon

    Hello Elisabeth,
    I also had a similar experience with job description not really influencing me toward the jobs I have had. In the past I have only had to apply for one job I have had in my life out of five jobs. I feel that opportunities sometimes outweigh actually searching for a certain job. I did far more than what was in my job description while in the Navy and I can relate to being undersold on something until you are already in that position.

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