CASS teaches teachers mobile app development
Employees in the Center for Applied Systems and Software (CASS) in the College of Engineering are teaching a workshop for high school teachers to learn how to create mobile apps for Apple devices. The three-day workshop is being held August 13 – 15, 2018 by Professional and Continuing Education (PACE) at Oregon State University. The […]
NW Cyber Camp comes to Oregon State
A week-long STEM Academy camp to introduce high-school students to cybersecurity was held on the Oregon State University through campus last week. Although it was the first time the camp was held in Corvallis, it is the third year the camp has been operating. The location was not happenstance. NW Cyber Camp co-founder, Zander Work, […]
Oregon State students recognized by NSF for outstanding research
Two students of computer science in the College of Engineering at Oregon State University received National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowships that will provide three years of research funding while they attend graduate school. This prestigious award recognizes and supports outstanding early career graduate students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines. Christopher Mendez, […]
Student team wins regional DOE Cyber Defense Competition
A team of six computer science students at Oregon State University competed for the first time and won the regional Department of Energy Cyber Defense Competition held at Pacific Northwest Laboratory in Richland, Washington. The competition simulates a real-world situation in which the teams defend a corporate network infrastructure from professional hackers. Each team built […]
Student honored by CRA for undergraduate research
Alannah Oleson was selected as a finalist for the Computing Research Association’s (CRA) Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award. The award recognizes undergraduates who have made significant contributions to research. For the past three years Oleson has been working with Margaret Burnett, Distinguished Professor of computer science in the College of Engineering, who studies human computer interaction. […]
Danny Dig wins four research paper awards in one year
Danny Dig with his students and collaborators won four prestigious research paper awards at international conferences this year. Dig, an associate professor of computer science in the College of Engineering at Oregon State University, researches software engineering. His focus is on interactive program transformations that improve programmer productivity and software quality. Distinguished Paper Award (awarded […]
Mike Rosulek Receives Visa Research Award
Mike Rosulek, assistant professor of computer science in the College of Engineering at Oregon State University, received a Visa Faculty Research Award to advance methods of customer privacy and fraud detection. “We’ve known for several decades that cryptography can protect not just data at rest, but also data in use, at least in principle. Finally, […]
Senior design team wins national award
Three Oregon State University students working with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory received the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Startup Allocation based on their senior design capstone project. Taylor Alexander Brown (computer science), Heidi Ann Clayton (computer science), and Xiaomei Wang (finance), also won the CH2M Multidisciplinary Collaboration Award at the 2017 Undergraduate Engineering […]
Students head to world engineering competition in June
Five students in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science will be heading to Germany this summer to compete in the 2017 Rohde & Schwarz Engineering Competition. Their performance in the U.S. preliminary round earned them a spot at the world league competition. Aaron Schraner, an electrical and computer engineering student, was motivated to […]
Business and engineering students create gadgets and gizmos
“Gadgets and Gizmos” was the theme for the first HWeekend of 2017 on January 20-22, jointly sponsored by the College of Business and the College of Engineering. In just one weekend, forty-seven students from business and engineering designed, built, and pitched their idea for a marketable product including temperature based alarm clock, a computer controlled […]