
5 Top Hacks When You Need Someone to Write Personal Statement for Me

The personal statement is an applicant’s opportunity to tell their story, share their passions, and reveal their unique qualities. Unlike the resume, a personal statement embodies your unique voice when highlighting your strengths, passions, and goals. Composing this document tends to be a tough test for some students, who often think, “Maybe I should find someone to write a personal statement for me.” Ultimately, learning what the task entails and how to write it properly is essential. So, stop worrying, “Who’ll make my personal statement for me?” and let’s explore how to hack it.

Why Do I Need Someone to Write a Personal Statement for Me?

You must properly plan, self-reflect, and have decent writing skills to write a persuasive and authentic personal statement. Thus, the first time you approach a personal essay, you might not have the skills and knowledge to articulate your thoughts, goals, and aspirations properly. So, naturally, many students will feel unequipped for the task and think, “I need someone to write my personal statement for me.” 

Then, there is the competitiveness factor. College applications are very competitive, especially in recent years. Knowing that your personal statement could be a determining factor in your selection adds some pressure to the writing. Moreover, some applicants seek assistance because they struggle with language, while others face time constraints that limit their ability to write superb work. 

You can manage these situations through proper planning, practice, and understanding of how to face this document confidently. But if you still feel, “I should hire someone to write the personal essay for me,” seeking help could be a good way to guarantee a nicely crafted document. 

Should Someone Write Personal Statement for Me to Avoid Mistakes?

Do you fear making blunders in your application document and thinking, “I should have someone write my personal statement for me?” Mistakes are a standard part of writing, and you can learn from the blunders other applicants make when composing their documents. Avoiding them would make you write a quality and impactful text.

Using Clichés or Generic Phrases

A personal statement must be unique, and generic phrases weaken your credibility as an applicant. Statements like “I have a passion for medicine” are overused and don’t show your uniqueness as an applicant. Instead, use personal stories and anecdotes to highlight your passion and commitment to the field. 


Exaggerating your experiences or qualifications might have severe consequences for your application. So, aim to be honest and transparent, and ensure your resume doesn’t contradict any information you write in the personal statement.

Failing to Address Weaknesses

If you have academic or personal weaknesses, write about them honestly. Address and explain them clearly. Show how you’ve learned and grown from the experiences. Ignoring any shortcomings in your resume could raise red flags to the committee and affect your chances. 


Vague statements without examples make a personal essay less compelling. So, include specific instances and experiences to demonstrate your qualities, values, and achievements. If you decide, “I’ll find someone to write personal statement for me,” provide the specific details you need them to include.

Failure to Proofread

Typos, spelling, and grammatical errors might create a negative impression on the committee. The best way to identify and fix these errors is to proofread the document and consider having others go through it. 

Someone Write My Personal Statement for Me for a Specific Program

When you’re interested in joining a particular program, a statement could be your way to demonstrate your genuine interest. It would show the selection board that you align with the program’s mission and values. So, how does one achieve this for a medical program? Through research. 

Research the specific medical program you’re applying to identify its mission, values, goals, faculty, and any special features that make it unique. Its mission statement would help you understand what the committee looks for in applicants. 

Research will also help you include program-specific details like faculty members and research opportunities that appeal to you. Moreover, you could use the information to show how your experiences relate to the program’s focus and how you’ll contribute to its community. 

However, remember that the goal is not to show that you’ve researched the program. It’s to convince the selection board of your eagerness to join and show that you’ll thrive in their environment and be a valuable community member. So, even if you decide, “I’ll hire someone to write my personal statement for me medical school,” be involved in the writing process to ensure the document addresses such useful details.

Can Someone Write a Personal Statement for Me Urgently?

As mentioned, time could be an enemy for writing an admission essay. The task requires time to reflect on experiences, write, and proofread. Furthermore, you cannot rush this document because it would increase the number of errors you’ll make. That’s why we always recommend students to start writing as early as possible. Time tends to fly when you have a deadline, and many applicants find themselves rushing in the final days to submission. By starting early, you give yourself enough time to conduct thorough research, write a compelling essay, and review it multiple times. 

What if you’ve been trying to write it, but the deadline is close, and wondering, “Can someone write a personal statement for me?” Yes, you can pay someone to write it. Your best bet is to seek a professional writer. They have more experience with the document and know what information to include and what the committee looks for. So, how will they write a meticulous statement? Discover more here.

Closing Remarks

A well-prepared personal statement can make all the difference in the application. Therefore, if you’ve been wondering, “Should I look for someone to write my personal statement for me?” the above guidelines will help hack the document. It should help you improve the quality of your writing to ensure you stand out among the competition and win your place. However, always be open to seeking assistance if the task is too challenging.

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