By: Lucas Christen

When it comes to race and age the implicit bias for reliability would be during a selection process by having inconsistency in how the candidates are evaluated. This would come in when hiring managers either favor or discriminate against candidates because of their age. For example, this has happened to me before because of how young I am and because of the lack of experience hiring managers think I have when initially applying to positions. Implicit bias can also impact the selection process of validity because of the unfairness in decision-making. Biased judgments based on the race or age of a candidate can lead to exclusion from highly qualified candidates or inexperienced students. This will lead to a less valid selection process and hide potentially very qualified and able candidates from the company. This type of behavior reinforces stereotypes and discriminatory practices. Ways to mitigate the impact of implicit bias in the selection process would be by providing training for hiring mangers to have awareness of bias and the biases related to race and age. Along with this would be implementing standardized selection criteria and assessment methods to minimize the subjective selection methods. Another method would be reviewing and monitoring the hiring practices, this would include having multiple hiring managers and having multiple opinions on the hiring of a new candidate. By addressing implicit bias firsthand in the selection process companies will be able to enhance the reliability and validity of their hiring and selection process. This will foster a more inclusive and fair workplace and selection process.

Greenwald, A. G., Dasgupta, N., Dovidio, J. F., Kang, J., Moss-Racusin, C. A., & Teachman, B. A. (2022, May). Implicit-bias remedies: Treating discriminatory bias as a public-health problem. Psychological science in the public interest : a journal of the American Psychological Society.

Pov. (2021, January 11). Who, me? biased?: Understanding implicit bias. PBS LearningMedia.

Kendra Cherry, Mse. (2023, April 1). Is it possible to overcome implicit bias?. Verywell Mind.

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