Category: Uncategorized

  • Containers and Redesigning Pages

    Well, this week was an exercise in patience learning about how to better layout my pages using MUI. I’m relatively new to the concepts of flexboxes, grids, containers etc for more advanced forms of CSS styling, so initially I thought I could get away with just putting my components into a grid and having it…

  • Integration!

    Since my last post I have integrated all of the admin pages to our MongoDB database system. That is, the admin dashboard can now retrieve a list of animals associated with a given admin account and dynamically display them in table on the admin dashboard. On that table, each row has an edit button that…

  • Burnout.

    Ahh yes that old chestnut, huh. Everyone deals with it at one point or another, and usually more than once in their lifetime. I felt a huge wave of burnout/senioritis/whatever you want to call it this week, so I thought I’d write a post about what I usually do to combat it. First a bit…

  • A Simple Approach to Handling State in React.

    This week was all about using react hooks to get manage the state of my pages and get them talking to each other. I’ll dive right into it! So what is state? State is a very general way to reference how data and or properties of a page might change over time. One of the…

  • Reacting to REACT, Learning New Stuff

    Ok, so here’s the deal. I always overshoot with my vision for projects, I want to do so much and have a lot of ideas––and get very excited to try and do them all. This is especially true for developing front end stuff as it’s easy to see a design motif in use in the…

  • Everything Everywhere All At Once, Starting our Project

    Well, it’s time! With our rough project plan in place, and a general idea of what we are all supposed to be doing and when, it’s time to dive head-first into creating our project! My task for this week was to develop and implement a useful CICD workflow and start on the webpage for our…

  • All In, Capstone!

    This week my team started to develop a rough overview of our project. Oh yeah! I should probably share what we are working on before I get into our plan. We are going to make a “dating” web app for pets and prospective adopters, more specifically, it’s an app that allows users to look for…

  • A Bit More Formal of an Introduction

    I thought I’d start this blog off with a little bit about me and how I ended up studying computer science, so we can get a little more formally introduced. From a young age I was fervently interested in three things, chemistry, computers and film. I tinkered a lot with the latter two in my…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!