
Week 9 Thinking

For my final week of blog cards, I started to think about the design process as a whole and what it is like when I am a designer in the real world. Designing is hard, especially since it is an industry that comes under a lot of criticism and can easily be stirred up. I have to remind myself to push back against conventional opinions and thoughts, that even when things get rough and bad I should still design. Even bad designs help the industry know what they do and don’t want. Things arent set in stone, things can change and be changed by me. The process of designing is long and tricky but everything is more than worth it, the work I complete, the people I meet the knowledge I gain will all help me grow as a designer.


Week 8 Thinking

During week 8’s thinking, I encountered more prototyping and test phases of my insights project. I learned that in order to get accurate data about your prototype that it should be tested in a similar environment where the final product would be used. I also found out that to get even more accurate data that the situation in which you get the consumer to test your prototype that it should feel and below pressure to make the consumer more comfortable and more receptive to giving feedback and opinions. When building your prototype you should just create without boarders in the room and in your mind. test our the crazy ideas and innovations, after all the crazy innovations are the one that are continually used way after the initial product.