Retention Policy

Student retention in the Professional Teacher Education Program is based upon the academic and professional judgment of the university faculty responsible for the evaluation of students’ academic, practicum, and student teaching performance. The faculty considers not only academic abilities and skill performance when making retention decisions about a student, but also such aspects as whether the student has appropriate levels of maturity, judgment, emotional stability, sensitivity to others, and whether or not the student exhibits appropriate professional conduct. The teacher education faculty has developed this Retention Policy based upon continuous evaluations of students in the Professional Teacher Education Program by university faculty and staff, and by public school cooperating teachers and administrators. Students are evaluated on the benchmarks from the Professional Dispositions and learning outcomes found in course syllabi including, the ability to successfully plan for instruction; establish a classroom climate conducive to learning; exhibit professional behaviors, ethics and values; evaluate student progress; and on their ability to engage students in planned learning activities. The following information and procedures are established to guide decisions regarding the retention of students in the program.

Throughout each term, faculty members, and clinical teachers, and/or student teaching supervisors meet to evaluate each student’s progress and teaching effectiveness.. Those students assessed as having difficulty will receive feedback concerning their progress from the appropriate university faculty and/or program lead. A candidate who is struggling will be placed on a Plan of Assistance. This plan will be created by the program lead in cooperation with the supervisor, and teacher candidate. Each plan will outline benchmarks and a timeline to be met and supports provided to the candidate. Supports could include, but are not limited to: extra observations with feedback/suggestions, check-in meetings for additional reflection, additional materials, and flexible timelines.

1. Academic Standards

Students must meet the academic standards of the program in order to continue in the Professional Teacher Education Program. (3.0 OSU GPA, 3.0 GPA in program coursework, and 3.0 GPA in content mastery/option.)

2. Professional-Ethical Standards

According to various accreditation organizations (CAEP, ACA, TSPC, Oregon OARs, Public Schools, NGOs, Non-Profits), all teacher candidates seeking licensure and graduating from the College of Education at Oregon State University must meet all professional standards of practice, evidence of proper dispositions within their chosen field, as well as complying with the University Student Conduct Regulations.

The candidate must demonstrate acceptable standards of professional behavior in five key areas:

I. Professional conduct toward students, clients, youth, and adult learners;
II. Professional practice;
III. Professional conduct toward professional colleagues, including university faculty, staff, and internship and field placement supervisors and administrators;
IV. Professional conduct toward the general community, including educators, parents, and other community members
V. Technology use that includes “netiquette,” ensuring copyright, not plagiarizing, not using computers inappropriately for pornography or personal gain.

Professional behavior includes respect, honor and integrity, altruism, responsibility and accountability, leadership, caring, compassion, and communication, and excellence of scholarship.

The College of Education at Oregon State University holds candidates accountable in both academics and practice. It is necessary, but not sufficient to perform well academically. Students must also behave in ways that support the professional nature of the work. In other words, personal issues that negatively impact teaching performance are considered as significant as low academic performance on assignments.

The Professional Dispositions Statement is sent to students upon acceptance in the Professional Education Program. A signed copy of the statement along with acceptance forms is kept in student files. These dispositions are posted on the College of Education website and are also provided in program handbooks.

Candidates who meet or exceed the standards of professional behavior will continue in their chosen field of study without interruption. Candidates who do not meet the standards must complete the following retention procedures.

3. Retention Procedures

Candidates will be placed on a plan of assistance during which they will receive support from program faculty and the lead. This plan of assistance will stipulate benchmarks and a timeline for improving behaviors.

A candidate may be removed from a practicum or student teaching site by the Professional Teacher Education Program if their performance does not meet benchmark requirements as stipulated in the plan of assistance or if performance is determined to be consistently inadequate, inappropriate, or unprofessional by the Program Chair or Director of Licensure.

A student may immediately be removed from the site school at the request of the school principal (or appropriate administrator).

The process identified in the steps below will be afforded the student if it is felt that they are not making satisfactory progress as outlined in the benchmarks and/or course syllabi.