Category: Uncategorized

  • Capstone SWOT Analysis

    Richard Doherty This blog post will be a SWOT analysis of the CS 497 – Computer Science Online Capstone course.  Strengths:   I believe the biggest strength of this course is that most projects require students to utilize the advanced software engineering skills that students have acquired from multiple courses in the CS program. It…

  • Favorite Technology

    The application my group is developing for my capstone project is an emergency response app that will be used to report and track emergency data for the fire departments in the Dominican Republic. The current version of this application will be developed for Android devices therefore our group is utilizing Android Studio using the Jetpack…

  • Blog Post #1

    Hello all, My name is Richard Doherty. I graduated from Oregon State University back in 2019 with a degree in industrial engineering and a minor in computer science. I first discovered computer science from my roommate back in my junior year of college. While we lived together, he was working with a friend on a…

  • Hello world!

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