Category: Uncategorized

  • Team Communication

    I came across an article published in the MIT Sloan Management Review that would be helpful for most people, including students and working professionals. The article is titled “Five Ways to Improve Communications in Virtual Teams.” Reading the article brought to light many challenges we face while working with team members in different locations. With…

  • Masters vs. Bachelor in Computer Science

    People have asked me why I would do a post-bachelors in computer science (CS)when I could have enrolled in a master’s program in CS instead. At first, I did not have an answer to that question. I merely said that I didn’t realize that enrolling in a master’s program in CS was possible without a…

  • Future Interests

    I always wondered how people are so confident in choosing a career. We learn nothing deeply informative about careers in grade school. We may learn about well-known careers such as lawyers, doctors, or accountants. Still, I needed more than a description to help me understand what the jobs genuinely are. Maybe if I look back…

  • The journey from Spreadsheets to Sofware

    When I started my first job at an investment bank in South Korea, the advanced technical tool that I knew how to use was Microsoft Excel. You can imagine how technically savvy I was at that point. I was a new hire straight from undergraduate studies in mathematics and economics. Excited about becoming a trader,…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!