Category: Uncategorized

  • CS 467 Blog Post #3

    Hello, fellow Oregon State students and staff members. In today’s blog post, I will be responding to the following prompt: For this prompt, I will be discussing my process of learning full-stack development for my capstone project. Project Description For anyone who isn’t familiar with my team’s capstone project, here is the description of our…

  • Upgrading the TBMHP Foundation Website with React

    Hello, fellow Oregon State students and staff members. In this week’s blog post, I’ll be addressing the following prompt for my CS 467 capstone project: I will be addressing my team’s use of React for this project. Project Description Our project involves upgrading (and possibly replacing) the existing website for the TBMHP foundation. Our project…

  • CS 467 Blog Post #1

    Hello, fellow Oregon State students! My name is Dillon Odle and this is my blog for CS 467 (although I may also continue to write after I’ve completed the course). I’m currently 30 years old and live in a suburb of Portland, OR. I grew up in Oregon City, OR, and attended Oregon State for…