
Blog Post #4

CS 467 Capstone Project (Software Programming Quiz)

The project that I have chosen and have been assigned to for my final course at Oregon State Univesity (OSU) is the development of a testing website for incoming employment candidates. This website is similar to the website “SurveyMonkey”. I chose this project because I knew it was going to be a challenging endeavor, I was going to learn a lot, and it was a project that I was going to be interested in.

My Group

My group members have been great so far. I am doing my best not to let them down! We are all on the same page when it comes to logical and realistic goals for the project. So far, we have created a GitHub repository, a project plan, and an online/cloud database for our project.

Project Description

The employer needs to be able to create an account and log in. After the employer successfully logs in, the employer creates quizzes that will be emailed to potential candidates. When the candidates receive the email, the candidate will take a timed quiz which they will submit upon completion. When the employer gets the test results from the candidates, the candidates will be ranked and stats will be presented based on their results.

The Gameplan

We all agreed to start with simple and low expectations, to begin with. The requirements for the project state that the site needs to have an account page for employers. Since we have a hosting platform for version control and collaboration. This allows all my group members to have separate “branches” that will allow us to work on separate parts of the project. We all agreed to merge our individual branches weekly to make sure nothing breaks. We are also looking at hosting our site on the OSU flip server or GitHub pages after significant progress has been made.

Ulitmate Goal

My personal goal for this project is to meet all the requirements and add this project to my professional portfolio site. I plan on using a myriad of resources and I have planned to spend a significant amount of time on this project.

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