I’m feeling really good about the progress so far that my team and I have made on our simulation. We have all made some really interesting beginnings to the project and I’m excited to see how things start progressing after we return for winter semester.
Project Progress Update
I recently have been working on making a layered, auto generating environment for our future creatures to inhabit. Utilizing the tile map node in Godot, and pairing it with my terrain generator, I was able to generate a nice way for us to simulate multiple layers of environmental factors.
To showcase this new feature, I recently added a Temperature layer, which simulates variable temperature ranges to allow our creatures to find an optimal habitat based on their needs or requirements. I added buttons to overlay the temperature and introduced some basic shaders to allow the temperature to show on top of the existing terrain.
Shaders were new to me so I learned a lot getting the layering to work for me, and it could still use some tweaking sometime. I was also able to add in some basic controls for adjusting the terrain generator variables so that we can adjust the numbers live to easily get the environment we are looking for.
What’s going on in my life
Life has been busy right now outside of school. Work is going well, and I am spending any free time wedding planning, and getting ready to move. I move to a new house December 20th just before Christmas. Then I’m getting married on January 4th just before the start of the winter semester.
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