The technologies, processes and, frameworks that we are using in our CoE Major Quiz game website are mostly foreign to me. Our group decided on the MERN framework which I was not familiar with in the slightest. It’s a JavaScript frame work that incorporates MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. I had to learn about how the framework functions as well as JavaScript since I only used it once a few years ago with limited success. One of the largest issues I had was trying to understand the structure of the code in each of the files that we were using since it was unfamiliar. So I had to learn the MERN framework, JavaScript, and the internal structure that comprises React. I’m still learning since most of it is self taught and even trying to figure out what it is I am supposed to be looking up is a challenge. If I had my choice I might reuse these technologies but only if I had a large support team and more experience with their functions and interactions. As it stands it’s frustrating and gets in the way of productivity. I recall just trying to get a button to work. To do something. Anything. So that an action happened and a result was produced. These are not the sorts of issues that one should run into. The focus should be how to structure what you are building and not trying to figure out basic code interactions. Granted the issue is with my unfamiliarity of the code and structure but it’s not particularly intuitive or easy to test.
I know that I am showing my age but something that I always had fun playing with was Visual Basic. I could create programs and assign code to the different GUI sections. It was a good deal of fun. I also enjoyed programming in Java since it was very clean and straightforward. I’ve also done exceedingly well in HTML and XTML with CSS. What I’ve noticed in most of these instances is that the code is very simple for lack of a better word. You declare a function or a variable. You forward a value and return a result. I know that’s the basis of coding but some programming languages just confuse me since I’m unfamiliar with the behavior of certain commands or structures or they are so complex that I am unable to read them and follow the logic. I used to be a programmer but it just stopped being fun when it became more of a headache than an interesting learning experiment.