Check out this CNN special investigation:
Evolution on the Galapagos
BI311 student Alyx Abraham shared a great article about fast evolution of finches on the Galapagos – check it out here!
In-Body Gene Editing article
Thanks to student Alexis Frantz for sharing this interesting news story about human gene editing. You can find it here.
Genetics in the News: Gene Editing
BI311 student Megan Criss shared an interesting article about gene editing from the LA Times – you can read it here!
More news: sugar pathways and cancer
Genetics student Wesley Yu shared an interesting article about sugar metabolism pathways and liver cancer – you can find the article here.
How did dogs evolve from wolves?
Need a study break? Check out this fun 5-minute NY Times video about some recent research investigating the genetic and other biological differences between dogs and wolves. You can find the video here.
Genetics of Skin Color in Humans
This week, a study was published in Science magazine about the genetics underlying skin color in human populations. You can read a NY Times piece highlighting the research here.
Kakapo genomes!
Thanks to BI 311 student Morgan Olson for sharing this great story about sequencing New Zealand parrot (kakapo) genomes, all 153 of them
You can see the story here: