Category: Uncategorized

  • Capstone 469 Financial Indicators and Indications of Doom

    Candlestick Klines, moving averages, Chaikin money flow, rate of change, relative strength indicator…it’s a lot to take in. I don’t have very much experience trading Bitcoin and trading assets in general and this capstone project has been quite a ride learning all of these new terminologies and calculations. There are just so many different variables…

  • Capstone 469 #3: Sweet sweet math

    On a more personal note, I must say that a relatively newly found affinity and aptitude for math was one of the main reasons I decided to take the plunge and make the shift towards a computer science post baccalaureate degree in the first place. I knew in my heart of hearts that a field…

  • And so the research begins!

    Oh boy, have we bitten off more than we can chew! Is this AI/ML bitcoin trading bot project going to stretch our mental resources and coding skill set to the breaking point? We had a group meeting where we explored and talked through some of the possible avenues for tackling the project and settled broadly…

  • OSU CS 467 Capstone #1 -> Capping things off or getting things rolling?

    Well, here it is. The beginning of the end. Or as I would prefer to describe it, the beginning of the real beginning. The capstone project to my 2 year OSU comop sci postbaccalaureate experience. And quite the auspicious start at that. I forgot to begin this blog yesterday and am turning it in a…