Project Phase 1: Preparation

Whether you are a fan of playing sports, playing video games, or simply have hobbies that require exceptional technique, you have likely spent a significant amount of time in your life practicing. Now let me ask you this; Would you rather practice, or play the game? My guess would be that the answer you would give would often be play the game, and that is the unfortunate struggle that I am dealing with right now.

The most important step in project development is research and preparation. This, however, is not the part of the process that is fun and entertaining. This is the current state of my feelings as we continue down this journey together. I am extremely excited to continue the process and move into the game environment.

Even though it is hard, I feel like we are putting out some incredible preparation and research, and are setting ourselves up for success in a big way. We are setting up our project design in a very solid format, and I believe we are really going to be happy that we did all this work in this phase of the project, as it is going to make it quite a bit easier in the future.

In in the wake up potential burnout, it is important to remind yourself of why you are doing what you are doing. Finding your purpose in everything you do in life is going to be the ultimate motivation, and that isn’t ever going to go away, and you can tap into that every time you are about to make a decision that isn’t in line with your goals.

All that aside I am genuinely excited to be developing my first game with a great partner that is equally excited about this project. I’m convinced that beyond the scope of this class, we could potentially work together on other projects going forward. I am hoping to ignite a passion in myself to also continue developing games in my free time going forward in hopes to be able to make a living off of it.

Outside of this class, I have begun looking for careers to pursue following graduation. I currently work at Intel, and am only looking into internal transfers at this time, but should the search not provide what I am looking for, I will likely start looking outside the company during winter term.

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