Software Engineering

Update on my Tech Journey

This is my second blog post and I wanted to give everyone an update on how things are going. I have chose to work on a neural network for music classification with my team. I would like to point out that I really like my team and they are great people:) We currently have a bunch of new technologies that we are going to be working with like TensorFlow and a couple other undecided technologies. For our dev environments for it will be based on Linux and for windows users we decided to work in WSL. There has been quite a lot of research that we have dived into to get to this point of our project. Currently, I started a new job for DISA as a network controller. I’m still trying to find that enjoyable position that I can stay at till I retire. I am working towards my goal in wanting to work in Development Operations. This quarterly semester has been really rough with the new job and all my classes, it feels like I have no time for anything I enjoy. However, we will overcome! I just wanted to update everyone on how things are going and there is more to come!