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About the Blog/Contact

Denise Ruttan. (Photo by Hannah O'Leary)

Denise Ruttan. (Photo by Hannah O’Leary)

In November 2012, Denise Ruttan started a new job as a public service communications specialist in OSU’s Extension and Experiment Station Communications department. As part of that position, she interviews OSU’s horticulturists and Master Gardeners and writes stories about their gardening advice. She thought it would be helpful to enroll in the Master Gardener training to find out what it was all about and then blog about it so you can see for yourself.

Over the next 11 weeks, Denise will take notes and talk to other trainees during the classes, which will take place every Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Tangent.

To contact Denise, go to her staff website.