A graduate teaching assistantship (GTA) is a professional position funded by a department or office at the University. All assistantships provide direct service to the University’s programs and offices as well as functioning as an integral part of the curriculum and total learning experience in the CSSA program.

Graduate assistantships are available in a variety of departments and offices at OSU. Assistantships generally provide the student with a monthly stipend and a tuition waiver. Student fees are typically not covered by the assistantship. Most appointments are for the academic year, (fall, winter, and spring), and generally students will remain in an assistantship for two years. The number of assistantships available is dependent upon program priorities and funding for the fiscal year. OSU is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. All assistantships are available without regard to race, color, sex, ability, age, or national origin. Assistantship selections are made on the basis of academic and career interests, previous experience, current skills, assistantship requirements, and University needs.

Assistantship assignments are generally one of three types–.49 FTE, .30 FTE, and .20 FTE. The salary associated with each assistantship is roughly equal to one-half, one-third, and one-fifth the full-time equivalent (FTE) salary for the work in question. Exact remuneration in each assistantship varies with the position’s requirements and the person’s experience and time-in-service. Visit the Financial Aid Office for the most current cost of living and expenses.

While assistantships are not a requirement for being admitted to the CSSA program, we will work with students after being admitted to the program to help find appropriate experiences. Please note that students admitted to the program are not guaranteed an assistantship, but it is our goal to help with finding opportunities for as many students as possible.

Assistantship supervisors will be reviewing your application and will be providing us a list of candidates they wish to interview.  We will coordinate the Assistantship interviews with the over-all schedule and notify you prior to Campus Days.  If you are not attending campus days, assistantship supervisors may be contacting you to arrange alternative interviews.

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