Family History

I’m the daughter of Dominga Celerina Reyes Ramon and Crispin Eugenio Reyes Lopez. 

I’m the daughter of two Mixtec Tribe immigrants who left their home of Santa Rosa Caxtlahuaca, Oaxaca behind in search of the “American Dream”. I’m the daughter of a curly haired, short, woman who raised me with values that allowed me to believe in my full potential. She taught me patience, perseverance, hard work, faith, hopefulness, independence, discipline and love. 

A daughter of a calm, wise man who despite not knowing how to read and write has taught me the importance of an education. He has taught me to remember where I come from no matter where I go, to stay humble, and be kind to others. 


A child of farmworkers who taught me the importance of hard work and embedded in me the reality of generational poverty. A child of two catholic individuals who have raised me to trust God no matter what adversity we are facing. Who have taught me the power of prayers, and faith. I’m a product of my family and my own lived experiences. I’m the sister to four amazing yet unique individuals who have taught me the importance of a bond. 

A child who has witness discrimination because of the color of my skin, and the accent in my speech. A person who’s potential has been overlooked time after time because they believed that people like me are not capable of success. 

I’m a first-generation student who against all odds pursued higher education to give back to my family for all the sacrifices they once gave for me. A Latinx student who believes that any education degree, certificate, promotion, award will never be enough to repay my family for their suffering in this place we call “home.” 


I’m from Woodburn Oregon, also known as Little Mexico. A town where most students grow up with a similar lifestyle as me, in a school system where Latinx students are not pushed to their fullest potential and believed that students like me are not worthy of a college degree. From a place I call home, a place where my people are still raising and nurturing students like myself, a place I would like to one day return and give all the children the hope and motivation to follow their dreams. 

I’m now a working professional who strives to support students like myself, who recognizes my disadvantages and advantages in this country. A person who has pushed for justice and equity in all levels of education. I’m a friend, advocate and ally for underrepresented students in higher education who are facing systemic barriers. A lifetime learner who recognizes the privileges that I have been granted as a professional and how I can use that to the advantage of the students that I work with. 

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