Category: Uncategorized

  • CS 462 Blog 3

    March 1 2024 What was the most difficult challenge, and how did you solve it? One of the difficult challenges was trying to determine the algorithm to use to generate exercises from the user’s survey responses. I had a list of questions that I was going to use with an algorithm to generate exercises. I…

  • Beltran Blog Post #2

    CS 462 Module 5 February 1, 2024 What is your most favorite technology? Least favorite? Flask has not been to difficult to learn. I have used Flask before but not in a project this big. I am using html, css, and javascript for most of my templates that are rendered by my route handlers. I…

  • Mod 2 Blog 1 Clean Code and Bad Code Smells.

    I noticed in the first reading the author mentions a quote by Michael Feathers that code is written by someone that cares (Martin, 2008). When I am in a hurry to code something or to automate a calculation, I tend to not care when I write the code. I know how to write it. If…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!