Episode 10: Dan Kahan

Yale Law Prof. Dan Kahan

Incisive research relating to successful communication about climate change and other contentious public issues is being conducted by members of the Cultural Cognition Project. Dan M. Kahan, Elizabeth K. Dollard Professor of Law at Yale Law School, is an author of several research articles that have explored and described “how cultural values shape public risk perceptions and related policy beliefs.” In the first of two interview parts, Dan discusses the background of the cultural cognition notion, defines, and develops it, all in a very personable and engaging way. (Check back for the second part of the interview which explores particular findings and recommendations from the research; it should be produced within a couple weeks.)

Episode 10: Dan Kahan, part one (19:25)


Cultural Cognition Project at Yale

Specific Project articles related to risk and communication

Cultural Cognition of Scientific Consensus (2010)

Fixing the Communications Failure (2010)

Making Sense of, and Progress in, the American Culture War of Fact (2007)

“2-by-2” diagram of worldviews referred to

(redrawn by JC from 2007 article above)