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Going from F’s to A’s in online classes

  March 15th, 2018

Taking an online class can be scary especially when instructions are confusing and the content is new. The whole experience of an online class used to haunt me after my first online class was a disaster. I didn’t understand topics, did assignments wrong, and eventually failed the class. Finally getting back on the horse I found some tips and tricks to going from F’s to A’s and want to share them with y’all

  • Know when to ask for help
  • Don’t be afraid to email the professor
  • Write down due dates
  • Email your peers when you don’t understand because they probably are confused too
  • Stay on top of assignments
  • Attend office hours
  • Create a to do list
  • Make goals


These are honestly things that my parents and any older adult has told me when they offered advice to me and I always blew off their advice thinking they don’t know they haven’t been in school in ages they have no clue how to help me. Well it wasn’t until I got out of my “know it all teenager phase” when I read the book The 7 Habits of highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. This book honestly made me get my head out of the sand and listen to the free advice I was being given. These pieces of advice don’t go out of style and it wasn’t until I really started to apply it to my life. By snapping your fingers your grades won’t change, making life style choices is what changes grades.



I am a firm believer in TED talks. If you have no idea what they are start watching them. They cover all kinds of topics but when I feel like a failure and don’t feel like I will succeed I watch a TED talk to pick myself up and know to keep going.


” Success is not final, failure isn’t fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts” ~Winston Churchill

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