Author Archives: storms

Sneaky slime mold may be creepy, but it’s harmless to plants

From Kym Pokorny in the Oregonian 8/4/2020: “It appears overnight and looks like a horror-show blob that’s slithered its way into your garden. The gross-looking substance known as slime mold shows up on mulch and lawns, but is harmless to … Continue reading

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Butterflies wing their way into the garden with the proper room and board

“Fragile, beautiful, and fascinating, butterflies flutter their way into our gardens and seem to just as quickly wing their way out. It isn’t because they necessarily want to leave, said Heather Stoven, an entomologist with the Oregon State University Extension … Continue reading

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In vegetable gardens, vigilance is key to controlling weeds, pests and diseases

“Freshly planted and carefully tended, vegetable gardens can quickly become a magnet for trouble. Problems seem to spring up overnight. Weeds, for instance, can overtake a garden in days. Slugs munch on seedlings. Aphids suck the juices from any number … Continue reading

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OSU Extension’s Food Hero to distribute 80,000 seeds as part of Grow This! Oregon Garden Challenge

OSU Extension’s Food Hero to distribute 80,000 seeds as part of Grow This! Oregon Garden Challenge | Oregon State University Interest in home gardening has skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, the Food Hero team at Oregon State University … Continue reading

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A Practical Guide to Starting a Pandemic Garden… Yes, you’re going to kill some plants at first. Here’s how to keep going!

“Just about everybody I know is planting a garden this spring. It makes sense. Whether you’re concerned about long-term food security, want to have access to fresh produce in between trips to New Seasons, or just want to stave off … Continue reading

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How to grow vegetables on a balcony, patio or windowsill

“The COVID-19 pandemic has inspired millions of people to grow vegetables, but many don’t have room for traditional gardening. Don’t let lack of yard space keep you from gardening this spring and summer. Many vegetables grow well in containers on … Continue reading

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The Impulse to Garden in Hard Times Has Deep Roots

“Prior to industrialization, most Americans were farmers and would have considered it odd to grow food as a leisure activity. But as they moved into cities and suburbs to take factory and office jobs, coming home to putter around in … Continue reading

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Sizing up the Asian Giant Hornet

As you start to see posts about the ‘murder hornets’, please note that they’re a huge threat to our nation’s **honey bees**. They’re less a threat to people. They’re in Washington state, so Oregonians should be on the lookout. Most … Continue reading

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Grow a Tomato… Give a Tommato!

Event hosted by the Columbia-Pacific Food Bank: Would you like to grow tomatoes for your community and your family? Well we have the perfect opportunity for you! Due to the cancellation of many plants sales here in the county, we … Continue reading

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Webinars for Continuing Education

This week, Master Gardeners participated in a live webinar on Gardening with Natives and the Oregon Flora Project. If you missed it, here is a recording to watch: (and receive 1 hour of continuing education!) Here is an upcoming webinar … Continue reading

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