A Practical Guide to Starting a Pandemic Garden… Yes, you’re going to kill some plants at first. Here’s how to keep going!

“Just about everybody I know is planting a garden this spring.

It makes sense. Whether you’re concerned about long-term food security, want to have access to fresh produce in between trips to New Seasons, or just want to stave off boredom-induced psychosis while in quarantine, there are lots of good reasons to start a pandemic garden.

Unfortunately, lots of novice gardeners tend to tumble into the hobby headlong with little planning or research—I was no different. Then, when something goes wrong, there’s a powerful temptation to say, “I guess I just can’t keep plants alive,” and quit.

It doesn’t have to be that way. After consulting with a couple of experts—and mining my own years of experience in the “field,” so to speak— here’s what you need to know about starting your garden, and keeping it growing.”

~ Read more in “A Practical Guide to Starting a Pandemic Garden” – Willamette Week By Christen McCurdy

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