‘Victory gardens’ go viral across U.S.

Read the complete article in the Capital Press online HERE.

“Across the U.S., gardening is booming as people anxious about food shortages are eager to grow their own vegetables during the COVID-19 outbreak.

According to the Cooperative Gardens Commission, people across the nation are planting “victory gardens,” modeled after World War I and II plots planted during wartime scarcity.

When Oregon State University’s Master Gardener program offered a free online gardening class, the Facebook announcement was shared more than 24,000 times.

And garden suppliers are reporting record sales.

“I’ve been through this a few times,” said Tom Johns, president of Territorial Seed Company in Cottage Grove, Ore. “The recession, stock market crashes, high fuel prices, Y2K. But this is the most concerned public we’ve ever seen.”

The gardening boom has impacted a patchwork of related industries disproportionately. Garden supply chains report high sales of fertilizer and other goods, and nurseries that sell vegetable plants are riding high.” Read more online…. HERE

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