Early rose pruning could cause dieback, result in re-prune next spring, Question & Answer from OSU’s Ask an Expert

We’ve passed the winter solstice and that means we’re on the way to spring and the gardening season. If you’ve got questions, turn to Ask an Expert, an online question-and-answer tool from Oregon State University’s Extension Service. OSU Extension faculty and Master Gardeners reply to queries within two business days, usually fewer. To ask a question, simply go to the OSU Extension website and type in a question and the county where you live.

Here is a question from Multnomah County, and a response from Jack Master, OSU Extension Master Gardener Diagnostician about rose pruning:

Q: With this warm early January weather my roses are growing like crazy and have several blooms. How can I protect the roses, if the weather turns cold again in February?

A: In western Oregon/Willamette Valley the best time to prune is mid-February to early March. Pruning mid-month or later is recommended. This timing is suggested because generally we will have weather that encourages the plant to start growing. Pruning earlier (before the last frost or forecast bad weather) will cause the rose grower problems. If you prune early, you may experience dieback and have to re-prune again after better weather arrives. In the higher elevations of eastern and central Oregon, it is better to wait until April, until after any possible heavy, severe freezes but while plants are still dormant.

Here is additional information regarding pruning your roses. Your question did not indicate if you had already pruned your roses at an earlier date. This weather is unusual and many parts of the garden, both plants, animals and pollinators, are out early as a result.

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