The Impulse to Garden in Hard Times Has Deep Roots

Victory gardens were an essential source of fresh fruits and vegetables during the Great Depression.

“Prior to industrialization, most Americans were farmers and would have considered it odd to grow food as a leisure activity. But as they moved into cities and suburbs to take factory and office jobs, coming home to putter around in one’s potato beds took on a kind of novelty. Gardening also appealed to nostalgia for the passing of traditional farm life.”

And now, it seems, the corona-virus pandemic has set off a global gardening boom.

“In the early days of lockdown, seed suppliers were depleted of inventory and reported “unprecedented” demand. Within the U.S., the trend has been compared to World War II victory gardening, when Americans grew food at home to support the war effort and feed their families.”

Read more about the deep roots that gardening has in this article HERE.

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