Happy National Volunteer Appreciation Week!

You are appreciated!

We are sure missing our Master Gardeners here in Columbia County! Our statewide program coordinator, Gail Langellotto, says it best when she describes the incredible work that our “Master Gardener volunteers do across the state of Oregon: 52.5 tons of food donated to food pantries and food banks; support of 29 school gardens, 46 community gardens, and 23 educational gardens; over 200,000 hours volunteered and over 139,000 Oregonians served!”

Let’s hope that we can participate this summer in our local Farmers Markets, at the fair, in the Demonstration Garden, and join in so many community events that we love… But until then we will stay safe at home, gardening and growing food to share with our friends and neighbors! 🏵️

Happy National Volunteer Week! You are ALL so appreciated! 🧡

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